Investing in communities
Making small grants to community groups and local charities to strengthen their resilience and build their capacity to deliver sustainable services to people at the margins of society.
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Investing in families
Making grants to support Kent and Medway ‘families’ in the most inclusive sense of the word, living at the sharp end of chronic socio-economic problems or facing a financial or emotional crisis.
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Investing in young people
Making grants to support disadvantaged young people living at the margins of society to improve their skills, build their confidence and break down the barriers to their employment.
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Investing in rehabilitation
Making grants to support the rehabilitation of offenders and to help reduce the collateral consequences of their imprisonment for their families, with the aim of reducing reoffending.
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Grants to individuals
Making small grants to disadvantaged young people for practical items such as interview clothes, course fees, tools, travel costs etc. All grants are made via a trusted referral partner.
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Investing proactively
In addition to making grants in response to funding applications, the Trust ‘proactively’ engages with stakeholders and invites proposals, to further its aim of being a catalyst for change.
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